HTM 71
NHS HTM 71Healthcare Furniture
Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs) give guidance on the design, installation and operation of specialised building and engineering technology used in healthcare.
HTM 71 furniture provides a plastic tray storage solution, and is used in conjunction with HTM 63 fixed furniture.
Our healthcare laboratory furniture is fully compliant with NHS HTM71 and provides a space-saving storage solution for equipment within healthcare buildings.
We manufacture and install a range of modular storage systems including cupboard units, open shelving or mobile trolleys which are designed to contain trays and baskets. These trays can be of various styles, sizes and shapes.
Our units can be free standing or wall mounted as shown in the gallery below. Units can have a sloped top for easy cleaning.
We manufacture:
Single cupboard units with sloping top
Double Cupboard units with sloping top
Tall units with sloping top
Base units under a HTM worktop
Any of the above can be fitted with trays and locks to meet your requirements.
All items are designed to be highly durable and easy to clean, and are available in a wide range of durable and attractive finishes.