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HTM71 Healthcare Furniture

Hospital Furniture

HTM 63 & HTM 71 Hospital Fitted Furniture

Lab UK Furniture manufactures quality fitted hospital furniture to a high specification that meets the standard set by the department of health. The Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs) give guidance on the design, installation and operation of specialised building and engineering technology used in healthcare. It sets out a range of storage units and worktops uniquely designed for use in health buildings such as hospitals, healthcentres and the like. 

We understand that due to the nature of the environment, all furniture needs to be efficient and hygienic.

HTM 63 Furniture

HTM 63 furniture includes static storage units and worktops, that are fixed in place to walls, floors or suspended from HTM 63 worktops. Our range of suspended storage units and worktops, featuring a melamine faced MDF carcass, adheres to the stringent HTM requirements whilst being functional storage for the healthcare sector. 

Our postformed HTM63 worktops have a core of 18mm 650kgm-3 high density chipboard, furniture grade, tops are surfaced with a postforming grade laminate from the Formica Fundamentals range of laminates. A suitable balancer is applied to the reverse. The front edge is bullnosed to a single wrap built up to a thickness of 56mm. There is a 50mm postformed integral upstand to the rear.  Tops are supplied with a matching edging strip as and where required.

Our worktops provide the strength and durability required for NHS hospital and healthcare furniture.

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HTM 71 Furniture

HTM71 Trays

HTM 71 furniture provides a plastic tray storage solution, and is used in conjunction with HTM 63 fixed furniture.


Our healthcare laboratory furniture is fully compliant with NHS HTM71 and provides a space-saving storage solution for equipment within healthcare buildings.


We manufacture and install a range of modular storage systems including cupboard units, open shelving or mobile trolleys which are designed to contain trays and baskets. These trays can be of various styles, sizes and shapes.

Our units can be free standing or wall mounted as shown in the gallery below. Units can have a sloped top for easy cleaning.

We manufacture:

  • Single cupboard units with sloping top

  • Double Cupboard units with sloping top

  • Tall units with sloping top

  • Base units under a HTM worktop

Any of the above can be fitted with trays and locks to meet your requirements.

All items are designed to be highly durable and easy to clean, and are available in a wide range of durable and attractive finishes.

We provide all aspects of project management and design services to meet your requirements. We also provide professional advice regarding hospital and healthcare furniture materials and accessories to create the best environment for you.

For more information please contact us on 01942 893223 or email us

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